Tag Archives: arbery


Georgia Attorney General Selects A Black Lady As Lead Prosecutor In Arbery Case

Lawyers for the Trump family have argued that James’s subpoenas are an improper means to gather evidence within the civil probe that could then be used in the legal probe. The Office of Attorney General does not make any guarantees, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided. Investigators in Hamilton County lately closed a chilly murder case with ties to former Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton. Senator Lamar Alexander, political strategist Tom Ingram, and attorney Hal Hardin discuss the depth of criminal activity uncovered within the Blanton administration and how the “Coup” of 1979, which successfully ousted Blanton, impacted Tennessee decades later. One of the hardest of most misunderstood roles of the Attorney General in Tennessee involves defending death penalty judgments in the State’s appellate courts.

  • Stephen D. Easton, “Fewer Lawyers? Try Getting Your Day in Court,” Wall Street Journal, 27 November 1984, 1.
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