How An Expert Lawyer in Houston Challenges “Driving While Influenced” Charges?

A Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charge is quite daunting and fearsome. Afterall, its consequences are quite damaging! However, it’s important to know that a charge alone is not a sentence. Various considerations can actually tip the scales in your favor.
Consider the expertise of a renowned DWI attorney in Houston. These individuals have often found themselves defending those charged with drunk driving. However, leaning on various strategies and investigating in their suggested directions have often led to charges being lessened or dropped entirely! Here’s how…
Unlawful Stop or Arrest
One of the first lines of defense in a DWI case involves examining the legality of the traffic stop or arrest. Law enforcement officers must have a valid reason to stop a vehicle, such as a traffic violation or suspicious behavior. If an officer conducted the stop without probable cause or reasonable suspicion, any evidence obtained as a result could be …