Technology: News & Insights
A new privateness report ranking the highest 15 social media platforms found Reddit and Snapchat as the least intrusive on their users’ privateness. Towards the top of the 12 months, a “deepfake bot” came to light that was supposedly able to creating computer-generated nudes based on pictures of clothed girls submitted via Telegram’s chat app. Except that checks carried out by the BBC found it to be considerably missing. “Our results included a photograph of a woman with a belly button on her diaphragm,” learn our report.
Breaking out of the “scale is all you need” mindset was one of many largest challenges for the researchers who built Molmo, says Ani Kembhavi, a senior director of research at Ai2. The US authorities simply hired a researcher who thinks we will beat getting older with fresh cloned our bodies and brain updates. Form ramps up manufacturing of its cheap batteries for …